New Amsterdam is in Region 6, east of the Berbice river about 2 hours drive from Georgetown. It's totally different than anywhere I've ever been in my life, I like that there's more people around and I felt totally safe everywhere I went. There's a current volunteer about 4 blocks away and 3 more about 20 min away and 2 from my training group will be about 15 min drive away in the next village. I am so excited to have other Americans so close to me! I'll be working at the New Amsterdam Family Health Center, 3 streets over from my house. I'm working in Mother and Child Care, weighing babies and charting their visits, eventually I'll be doing one on one counseling with new mothers in my office for diet and exercise and nutritional information and starting other projects around town. There's a pool! I'm not sure yet what kind of condition it's in but I'm excited to find out and start organizing programs there too!
Please send any future mail to my new address:
Lauren R. Sanford
Peace Corps Guyana
2127 St. Magdalen Street
New Amsterdam, East Bank Berbice
Guyana, South America
Cross my heart and kiss my elbow,
Love and peace
ReplyDeleteSo happy to hear you're excited for the new location and job. I know you'll enjoy working with the little ones, it sounds like a perfect fit. And in no time you'll have formed a swim team - Ha!
It's a good thing you're used to the rain!
I am sorry for Granny's loss, please give her our condolences.
Love and miss you bunches ~ stay safe...