Today I’m beginning the documentation of becoming part of something bigger.
I began my Peace Corps application in September 2009 and submitted it on January 5, 2010 and today on May 22, 2010 I’m still waiting, all I know is I’ve been nominated for Program 154 leaving for Africa in October. I can’t wait to be invited to become a part of that something bigger that I’ve been looking for. Lately since graduation season began, it seems like everyone around me is asking what will I do next and I get mixed reactions when I tell them I’ve applied to the Peace Corps. A few people react with a shockingly joyous response but most look at me like I’m crazy or like they can’t believe it’s what I actually planned on doing after college that I’m not just putting off the future. Well, this blog is for those of you who believe in me and are supporting me on my journey.
Monday is my last doctor appointment and then the final waiting game of waiting for my “Formal Invitation” when I’ll find out exactly when and where I’ll be going! But for now, I’m volunteering at an AIDS resource center and lifeguarding at a summer camp. When or if I go to the Peace Corps, I will be working in Health Education and my recruiter has recommended that I get some experience with HIV/AIDS. So far all I’ve done is meet people with HIV/AIDS and I’m already overwhelmed by the number of people affected by this just in Abilene, I can’t even imagine what Africa will be like…
Cross my heart and kiss my elbow,
Love and Peace
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