Since I've been home in Valdez I've learned a lot more than I ever thought I would. I worked for the Parks & Rec Maintenance where I drove a fork lift and used power tools, I was the assistant high school swim coach and drove a van of 15 kids for 15 hours every weekend, I absolutely love coaching. I ran the Learn-to-Swim program for the Torpedoes Swim Club and right now I'm teaching lessons for Parks & Rec. All of these things, except maintenance, are things that I would love to do forever but right in the middle of all of it I got an invitation from the Peace Corps and accepted it without hesitation!
The timing couldn't have been any more perfect, I got to spend Thanksgiving at home for the first time since High School and Carla came to Alaska for the first time. Christmas at home was perfect. I took a whirlwind vacation to Texas and Kansas City for Mallory's bachelorette party, Mallory and Austin's wedding, and my 23rd birthday. I spent 3 days in Kansas City with Alli and went to Shrek the musical and had breakfast at Tiffany's. I had the time of my life with my best friends and made great memories of 14 Hands, being Malfie's maid of honor, martinis at the bee hive, and toasting drinks to the Peace Corps. 15 days later I was back to reality and started packing for Guyana.

Now with less than 3 weeks before the biggest adventure of my life I'm starting to panic and worry about stupid little things. Sometimes I lose focus and think about all the things that I'll miss out on here at home and it's hard to talk about these things, because I know my family and friends are scared too and having just as hard of a time. I can't tell them enough how much I appreciate their love and support, they mean the world to me. In the next 19 days I will teach 16 swim classes, finish the second leg of my farewell tour in Oregon and pack my life into 2 bags!

Cross my heart and kiss my elbow,
Love and Peace